Saturday, November 15, 2008

(RP) Kymurii's Awakening

Its cold.

Not just any cold. It isn't the kind of cold that feels like it could be fixed just by bundling up. No. This feels like it goes down to my very soul. A chill that makes blood freeze up instantly.

But why is it so cold? I can feel the weight of armor on me, and yet it doesn't seem to do a thing to protect against this cold.

Come to me, my knight...

This voice, its so... compelling. I'm... I'm somewhere. High up I think, judging from what I can see. And... that large imposing figure.

He's not looking at me but... I think, no. I know he wants my attention, wants to talk to me. I walked up to him, little realizing what I was doing, kneeling down once behind him.

"Yes, my master?"

It takes a moment for me to realize that I just heard my own voice. That I just called him master, and that my voice has an odd sound to it.

He didn't say anything else, and yet, I knew what I had to do somehow. Standing back up, I head back the way I came, to get my weapon that I was to use.

I had died prior to that day. The coldness inside of me was the proof. The fact that I was doing this now was the proof. I had awoken as a Death Knight, my will bent to that of the Lich King's.

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